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曹玲副教授学术报告——Evolution Law Of Cracks & Stability Ana

作者: 发布时间:2019年09月17日 14:29 浏览:

报 告 名 称 

Evolution Law Of Cracks & Stability Analysis Of Expansive Pavements 

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报  告  摘  要

In central and northern parts of Louisiana, especially in northwestern Louisiana, most of the subsurface soils down to a depth of 20 feet are mainly stiff red, gray and brown fat clay with high plasticity indexes. They contain large quantities of montmorillonite clay mineral, and are known as “cracking clays” because of the large, deep cracks that form in dry weather. This high shrinkswell property can cause serious damage to foundations, highways. 

Focused on the crack characteristic, the expansive soil is analyzed through laboratory test and numerical simulation. Experimental researches are carried out on crack observation, quantificational description of cracks, seepage characteristic of crack networks and strength characteristic of cracked soil. 

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